pp. 6–10:
Editorial: In Deep Mourning
Gerhard Mayer
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pp. 11–30:
Anomalistics. History and Scientifical Basic Questions
Gerd H. Hövelmann
Abstract – In this article, an overview of the history and theoretic scientific fundamental questions of the research field of anomalistics is given. After discussing the use and demarcation of the term anomalistics, the importance of the sociologists Roger W. Westcott and Marcello Truzzi for the newly developing research field is pointed out. According to Truzzi, anomalistics basically fulfills four functions: (1) supporting the scientific assessment in the context of diverse alleged anomalies; (2) contributing to a better understanding of the process of scientific assessment; (3) developing a conceptual framework for categorizing and assessing alleged anomalies; (4) and, finally, assuming the role of a neutral party in the process of assessment by the scientific community. The last paragraphs are dedicated to the discussion of the legitimacy of anomalistics as well as its benefits for science.
Keywords: anomalistics – assessment – Marcello Truzzi – parapsychology – rationality – Roger W. Westcott – skepticism – science policy – theory of science
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pp. 31–51:
Animal ‘Language’ Research. The Perpetuation of Some Old Mistakes
Gerd H. Hövelmann
Abstract – In this article, different approaches to the investigation of the capacity of animals to achieve higher cognitive abilities, and particularly linguistic capacities, are presented and critically discussed. Thereby, contemporary, almost exclusively US American, ape language research is compared with animal language experiments conducted during the first three decades of the 20th century in Germany, mainly with horses and dogs. No substantial differences can be identified with regard to the methodological quality as well as the dubiousness of the interpretation of the data. Instead of an expectable advancement or improvement, the flaws, fallacies, and other shortcomings are perpetuated, and the then mentioned reasonable criticism largely ignored. Effects of experimenter expectations on the animals’ productions as well as various immunizing strategies with regard to the achievements of the animal subjects are only some of the problems that are still characterizing this kind of research. Accordingly, the presented findings are little meaningful with regard to the assessment of higher cognitive capabilities of animals.
Keywords: American Sign Language – animal language research – ape language research – Clever Hans – Clever Hans cuing – cognitive abilities – immunizing strategies – semiotics – thinking animals
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pp. 52–82:
Bibliograpy of Scientific Writings 1980–2017
Gerd H. Hövelmann
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S. 83–104:
Remote Viewing: A Proof-of-Principle Study
Maximilian Müller, Marc Wittmann
Abstract – This is a proof-of-principle study of the remote viewing method. The method is based on the original protocol of the Stargate program financed by the American military and conducted between 1978 and 1995. In our study 36 randomly selected participants were first stimulated with a ganzfeld device and then subjected to a remote viewing session. Solely by relying upon their spontaneous perceptions, they were asked to describe and draw sketches of one of six photos (the targets) enclosed in an envelope. Following this session the six photographs were openly presented and participants were asked to form a correspondence/confidence rating related to their own records. Overall, 14 of 36 subjects judged the photo, which was actually in the envelope, with the highest confidence and thus had correctly identified it. Regarding a binominal distribution and an expected value of 6, the probability for such an event happening by chance lies at p < 0.0009 and is therefore highly significant. Distribution of individual rank orders of the target also showed a highly significant deviation from the expected value. Therefore, we discuss whether an anomalous information transfer has occurred.
Keywords: Extrasensory perception – anomalous cognition – remote viewing – ganzfeld – Stargate project
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pp. 105–123:
How energy, matter, and consciousness develops from protyposis A theory of explanation of the structure of the world and of parapsychological phenomena
Stephan Krall
Abstract – The physical explanation of the connection between mind and consciousness with matter has not yet been conclusively achieved. The article describes a new monistic view of the world that is based on the researches of Thomas Görnitz in consequence of Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker’s Ur-theory. The substance, on which being is based, is the protyposis which represents the totality of abstract and primarily meaningless quanta bits (AQIs). The quanta of energy and matter are formed from the protyposis which has arisen since the Big Bang. Through the interaction of photons with matter in living structures, abstract quantum information can become meaningful, because life is based on information processing, with which living beings themselves stabilize. In highly developed brains mind can arise with consciousness. With the help of non-locality in quantum systems, the tunnel effect and the quantum-physical phenomenon of an “extended present”, phenomena of telepathy, precognition and teleportation can be explained.
Keyword: Protyposis – non-locality – quantum physics – consciousness– extended present – parapsychology
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pp. 124–146:
The phenomenon of the “toad-in-the-hole”. A commented overview of a discourse on an anomaly in Germany
Ulrich Magin
Abstract – The phenomenon of the “toad-in-the-hole” was scientifically discussed in Germany, too. Generally, a block of stone is broken in a quarry, and a living toad jumps out of a hole in it, seemingly alive after hundreds of years in its natural prison cell. The topic appears far off today, but was of relevance well into the 19th century. These cases enabled informed speculation of the age of the earth, the occurrence of the Deluge etc. The paper gives an overview of the material published in the 18th and 19th century in Germany on this topic.
Keywords: Toad-in-the-hole – history of geology – catastrophism – fossil formation – the Deluge – animal longevity
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S. 147–160:
Obituaries: Commemorating Gerd H. Hövelmann
- Gerd H. Hövelmann. (1956–2017). ‚Amicus curiae‘ of Parapsychology
Eberhard Bauer, Walter von Lucadou
- Memories of a Friend
Andreas Anton
- Remembering Gerd Hövelmann
Carlos S. Alvarado
- In Memoriam Gerd H. Hövelmann
Etzel Cardeña
- Gerd H. Hövelmann – Anomalist, Parapsychologist, Philanthropist: An Obituary
Michael Tremmel
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S. 160:
Obituary: Suitbert Ertel (1932–2017)
Gerhard Mayer
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S. 161–166:
Report on the GfA Conference „Geographic Anomalies – Historic Anomalies – Alternative Views of History“ (Marburg, October 29th, 2016)
Sarah Pohl, Ricarda R. Zöhn
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S. 167–206:
Book Reviews
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- Erlendur Haraldsson & James G. Matlock (2017). I saw a light and came here: children’s experiences of reincarnation
Reviewer: Harald Walach
- Penny Sartori (2014). Nahtod-Erfahrungen als Neuanfang. Was wirklich wichtig ist im Leben
Reviewer: Sarah Pohl
- Christine Wunnicke (2017). Katie
Rezensent: Gerhard Mayer
- Anna Lux & Sylvia Paletschek (Hrsg.)(2016). Okkultismus im Gehäuse. Institutionalisierungen der Parapsychologie im 20. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich
Reviewer: Gerhard Mayer
- Daniel Gerritzen (2016). Erstkontakt. Warum wir uns auf Außerirdische vorbereiten müssen
Reviewer: Ingbert Jüdt
- Jonas Richter (2017). Götter-Astronauten. Erich von Däniken und die Paläo-SETI-Mythologie
Reviewer: Max Fuhrmann
- Marion Baschin (2017). Isopathie und Homöopathie. Eine Wechselbeziehung zwischen Ablehnung und Integration
Reviewer: Florian G. Mildenberger
- Nicholas Campion (2016). Astrology and popular religion in the Modern West: Prophecy, cosmology and the New Age movement
Reviewer: Gerhard Mayer